
Overwintering Honey Bee Colonies

Time limit: 60 days

$30 Enroll

Full course description

Winter for many beekeepers can be a time of high colony losses due to colony starvation, freezing, and pest pressures. To ensure the best chances of survival, beekeepers need to adequately prepare their colonies for winter by mid-fall. This course will help you set your bees up for winter success through discussions of how honey bees expend energy in the winter, proper fall and winter feeding methods, and how to ventilate or insulate your hives (but not both!).

This short course includes the following lessons:

  1. Fall and Winter Management
  2. Feeding Bees
  3. Respiration and Thermoregulation
  4. Preparing Hives for Winter

Important Information

  • Software requirements: For the best user experiece use Chrome when accessing this course. Some features in this course are not be compatible with other internet browsers. 
  • Lessons in this course overlap with lessons in the Apprentice and Master Beekeeper online courses, part of the UF/IFAS Master Beekeeper Program.
  • bee-Learning Short Courses are completely self-paced, although must be completed within 60 days of registering.
  • You will receive a certificate of completion for this course via email after you have passed the final assessment and completed the course exit survey.
  • No refunds will be granted for this course after the course has been accessed.